Be the Grain You Want to See in the World

Zarina by Adam Arnali

In a world obsessed with perfection and smoothness, we often overlook the beauty of imperfections. One such imperfection that is often misunderstood is film grain. Many see it as a speck on a photograph, a flaw in an otherwise perfect image. But in reality, film grain is what creates the images we see. It is the result of tiny silver halide crystals storing the light that bounces off the world, capturing moments and memories in their raw form.

Focus on The Grain. The Joy of Your Life.

Grain is the building block of our photographic joy, the texture that adds depth and character to our images. Instead of focusing solely on the subject of our photos, we can shift our perspective and focus on the grain itself. We can realize that the grain is the subject, not just what we are taking a photo of. We can seek out the grain in our lives, in the everyday moments, in the mundane, and in the unexpected. We can embrace the imperfections, the rough edges, and the unexpected surprises that life throws our way.

Multiply and Multiply and Multiply

Just like in photography, the more refined the grain, the more invisible it appears. In life, when we embrace and multiply our joys, our grains of happiness, they become an intrinsic part of our being, shaping our character and our outlook on life. Just like how a photograph with more grain can appear more authentic and soulful, a life with more joy, more imperfections, can be more meaningful and fulfilling.

Seek The Grain

So, let's seek the grain of our lives and multiply it. Let's not shy away from the imperfections, but rather embrace them wholeheartedly. Let's dominate every blade of grass or sand we step on with our joy, our unique perspectives, and our individuality. Let's be the grain we want to see in the world, capturing and celebrating the raw beauty of life in all its imperfect glory. Let's be the grain we want to see in the world and create a more authentic and soulful existence.