We Forget What Brings Us Joy
We try to hard to push through to please others. To be accepted to meet the expectations of society. These deadlines divide our joy. We force the issue. We forget what actually brings us joy. That joy begins with the smaller things. For me its film. Just the camera and the film itself. Not what I'm photographing.
Find that Microscopic Moment of Joy First
The culmination of Joy is a beautiful image or the end result is a filmzine published. These are the multiplications of that joy. But without the microscopic moment of joy. If that one film frame, the focus on that joy, and the multiplication of it all is lost then the success of the world will feel dead. All the deadlines in the world do nothing but strip us of our joy, divide our purpose and kill the fruit of our labor.
Let go and Let Your Self Multiply.
I shot this filmzine on film because I just wanted to. Wasn't asked wasn't paid to do it. I did it because I fell in love with film all over again each and every shot i took. I realized today that I haven't made another filmzine. Why? Because i let the stress of producing high quality work get in the way of my joy. It divides me rather than letting me multiply. So I am not on a quest to find that joy each and every day and stop worrying about what other people think about me. I will multiply that joy over and over again until there is a mountain in the desert that is all mine and no one can take it away from me. I will multiply it so much that the scope of its majestic presence will attract people from around the world to bask in the glow of that mountain of joy. There are no deadlines. Only Joy Life Lines.