Photography is Cinema in Reverse.
Photography is cinema in reverse when making a movie we first come up with an idea. Right write a script, create characters before planning to film anything. Once filming is complete, we're then able to put it together and release the project. With photography, oftentimes, we shoot with just a basic idea and then we put it together and release it without any context, or story, without any characterization, expression, voice or story behind what we are presenting projecting.
Photography Is A Series Of Scratch Notes.
In short, photography is often just a series of Scratch notes without a cohesive story the unfortunate collateral damage of an industry of half baked ideas is that the people we are depicting lack characterization, story and voice. Their expression is fleeting leaving the viewer only mildly interested and ultimately it's become a disposable art. Cinema on the other hand, creates enduring characters that audiences cherish for their entire lives. Photography can do the same thing. It has the same power. With the right lens, rather than taking photographs and simply releasing them, we should strive to do cinema in reverse.
Follow Each Shoot With A Writing Session.
Follow each shoot with a writing session, discover the significance of the portrayal of the model wearing the outfit in front of the lens and build story behind that character and or expressive voice that they are speaking through the image. With the right words that articulate the message, audiences can identify, appreciate and feel emotions toward the character creating a bond or relationship and mutual empathy. The audience may lead to desiring more about the character and perhaps desiring to purchase a print or a film master. Rather than swiping up down left or right depending on what social media platform, they are currently consuming disposable content. However, with this new outlook on the art of photography, I am excited to strive forward crafting filmzines, comic books and any form of media that speaks those words that photography is desperate to express.