What is The Film Void?
I always have a camera with me. Whether on a project or not. I am obsessed with multiplying my joy and for me that's the shutter button. I am insistent that I click a shutter button at least one a day. The more mechanical and clanky the better. I really want to feel the shutter cutting the light on and off. I shoot on film because I love the process and physical images are Transparent Gold. A secret currency. These images are the in between of my cinema and my editorial photography. They are the pieces of inspiration and moments of a ha that i find along the way connecting projects together. Maybe a photo is part of a project maybe its just my feet sitting on the curb waiting to cross the street. Regardless, each one is a moment in time preserved in silver crystals. I'm offering the black and white masters and prints. Each one is signed and numbered. Click the images to be taken to the individual collections.